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An Investment in News You Rely On

You learn a lot from listening to Michigan Radio. Chances are the value of what you learn reaches far beyond the time you invest listening to your favorite programs.

The news you hear on Michigan Radio every day not only keeps you abreast of current affairs, but also helps you make decisions and choices that influence and enrich your life and your community.

Financial support from listeners like you is our most important source of funding. It helps Michigan Radio connect you to what matters most.

Michigan Radio begins our on-air membership drive on Saturday, October 11, 2014. It’s one of the few times each year we come to you during regular programming to ask for your financial support. Please take a moment right now and make your gift online.  

The stories, reporters, programs, and everything behind the scenes that makes that possible wouldn’t be on your radio without your financial support.

Your gift of $20, $ 50, $100*, or any amount you can give  will help Michigan Radio get that much closer to the goal of finishing the drive successfully and returning to the trusted, uninterrupted news you count on.

Thank you in advance for your support, and helping connect others in our community to the news and information on Michigan Radio. 

With gratitude,

Alison Warren / Associate Director of Development

P.S. Your secure online gift right now to Michigan Radio will go immediately to the goal for this campaign. Thank you again for your generosity!

*Make your gift go even further to supporting Michigan Radio by making it a sustaining gift!