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Michigan Radio Reporter named Finalist for Journalist of the Year

The Detroit Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists has named Michigan Radio reporter Lindsey Smith as a finalist for Journalist of the Year. Based in Grand Rapids, Lindsey is Michigan Radio's West Michigan Reporter. Over the past year however, she has reported extensively on the Flint water crisis, including producing a special documentary about the crisis, “Not Safe to Drink.”  

The Detroit Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists recognizes the Detroit area's top print, online, radio and television journalists.  Finalists are selected by a jury of veteran journalists and educators from several news media outlets outside of Metro Detroit. Other finalists for SPJ Detroit’s Journalist of the Year include Ron Fonger, The Flint Journal; Nancy Kaffer, Detroit Free Press and Keith Naughton, Bloomberg News. The winner will announced at the Detroit SPJ’s annual banquet on April 12.

Steve is Michigan Public's Marketing Director. His job involves coordinating the station’s marketing, communication and public relations efforts, special events, car donation program and community & media partnerships.