One of the internet's biggest podcasts is coming to Ann Arbor to do a live show.
At the invitation of the School of Social Work People of Color Collective at the University of Michigan, Buzzfeed's hit podcast Another Round will hold its first live show at the Michigan Union on Thursday, April 14.
The one-year old show hosted by Buzzfeed writers Heben Nigatu and Tracy Clayton talks very frankly about politics, pop culture, race and gender. They also tackle all sorts of random topics like squirrels and McDonald's alleged "all day" breakfast menu. You know, like people do.
"I've listened to other podcasts for a while, but I didn't really compare it to other shows I wanted to be like," said Nigatu "It was just more, these are kinds of conversations me and my girlfriends have all the time. They range in tone and topic and I feel like that's pretty normal for most people. It's like the pretty average human experience to go home and talk to your friends and be like ... politics, am I right? Or tell a petty story about a girlfriend or a boyfriend or something."
The topics are all over the map and that format, and their on-air chemistry, has built a strong following and a number of awards. Another Round has been named best of 2015 by iTunes, Slate, The Atlantic and Vulture. Their reputation and growing audience have landed them a laundry list of high-profile and interesting guests. Most recently, they had the chance to interview presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The interview touched on some serious issues, but they also asked the former Secretary of State questions like, "What's the weirdest thing about you?"
The interview showed a different side to Clinton that you don't see with typical network interviews and Clayton thinks she knows why.
I think it's a combination of a couple of things," said Clayton. "One, I think that we are very disarming hosts. And also ... the podcast medium is just so much more relaxed and informal. Also ... she didn't drink with us, but we had bourbon during the interview. I'm sure that made her loosen up a little bit."
Listen to the full interview below to hear more about how their show got started and about their conversation with Hillary Clinton. You can also hear an excerpt from their sit down with the presidential candidate and you'll hear Clinton's answer to what she thinks the weirdest part about her is.
You can listen to the full Stateside program here.