It’s been a momentous couple of years for Jason Singer, who goes by the stage name Michigander.
His debut single, Nineties, released in 2016, has been featured on official Spotify playlists including Indie All Stars, Viral Hits, and Indie 2017, getting nearly a million plays since its release.
He calls the Tri-Cities area home. After playing with different bands around the state, he decided to take on his own project.
"I was always waiting on someone else to make the band happen…. I was writing the songs, but I wasn’t singing them in these other bands, so I’m just going to do this and try it out," he said.
Now, Singer is out with his debut EP, Midland.
Check out Singer and guitarist Jake LeMond perform.
Michigander has an EP release show on Saturday, March 24 at the Magic Stick in Detroit.
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