The City of Detroit is partnering with the non-profit developer Artspace to open a live - work space for artists.
Wendy Holmes leads the consulting team at Artspace. She says the project plans to lock in affordable rates for residents for at least 50 years.
“It's our goal to keep them affordable as long as possible so that the creative community can always be a part of that neighborhood.”
She says Artspace plans to renovate a historical building in Detroit.
The City of Detroit is still looking for input from Detroiters to help develop this space.
Lacey Holmes is the project manager for the office of Arts, Culture, and Entrepreneurship for the city. They recently put out a survey about the project.
Holmes says all Detroiters should take their survey. She says the results will help design the space and help select a location.
“The goal is more, I want this in everyone's hands. I want everyone to know about it.”
She says whether you’re an artist or not, this art space will benefit you.
“If you are a parent who has a 30 year old artist living with you and you're like, oh, what if they had space that was affordable and accessible for them? I want that parent to take the survey. If you have a neighbor who plays music and you're tired of listening to them rehearse into the wee hours of the night, take the survey.”
The survey closes December 14 and is available at