The Great Lakes are under a lot of stress. 34 different kinds of stress, to be exact.That’s according to a research team that has produced a comprehensive…
A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit brought by five Great Lakes states that would force the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to erect physical barriers…
Crews will begin an intensive search for Asian carp in the Chicago area tomorrow after finding more DNA evidence of the fish in waterways close to Lake…
Schools might get a break on standardized tests"The Michigan Department of Education is considering a proposal to give schools a break on standardized…
Election complaint filed against Snyder"A ballot campaign has filed an elections complaint against Governor Rick Snyder. It says he’s using his official…
Michigan congressman Dave Camp is calling out the Army Corps of Engineers for dragging its feet on a plan to prevent Asian carp from reaching the Great…
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has released a draft of its study on how aquatic invasive species can move between the Great Lakes and…
by Adam Allington for the Environment ReportAs the nation’s civic leaders search for a permanent solution to keep invasive Asian carp from spreading,…
They've become YouTube stars: big fat Asian carp leaping into boats and sometimes breaking bones as they come flailing into the boat of some poor person…
Shark Week, schmark week.It's Asian Carp Week here at Michigan Radio!All week long, The Environment Report has been bringing us stories about Asian Carp &…