Today executives at General Motors announced they plan to add 1,000 jobs in Michigan.
Now, Chrysler executives have announced they also plan to add 1,000 jobs.
The Wall Street Journal reports:
About 60% of the hires will be employed directly by Chrysler, while 40% will work through various contract agencies, said Lisa Wicker, Chrysler's recruiting chief. Most will be employed at the company's headquarters in Auburn Hills, Mich, she said.
The automaker plans to hire engineers and other in high-tech. Sarah Richter, a University of Michigan graduate student was quoted in the article saying, "When I was a freshman and a sophomore a lot of the upperclassmen I knew had to leave the state to get jobs out West or in the South. I was always interested in automotive and I think there are now a lot of opportunities here at Chrysler and a lot of potential for me to grow my career."