2021 PCAP Art Auction - December 4th, 2021

2021 PCAP Art Auction - December 4th, 2021
Join us in-person OR online Saturday, December 4th, at the Michigan League - Hussey Room for the Prison Creative Arts Project's 2021 Art Auction. Set an alarm! The Silent Auction will begin online on Thursday, December 2nd at 7:00pm here: https://pcapauction2021.ggo.bid/ This event raises funds to support the 26th Annual Exhibition of Art by Michigan Prisoners (March 22 - April 5, 2022), where 700+ pieces of art created by incarcerated artists will be exhibited at the University of Michigan for public viewing & purchase. The auction will feature artwork by incarcerated artists, PCAP curators, University of Michigan faculty and local artists. 6:30 pm Cocktail Reception, Silent Auction 7:30 pm Live Auction This event will be BOTH in-person & virtual. We will be utilizing mobile-bidding, so have your smartphone handy & charged. No smartphone? No problem! Assistance will be available at the event and desktops can also be used for online participants.