More than Gray: Reimagining Early America in Full Color

More than Gray: Reimagining Early America in Full Color
The American past was lived in full color, but this vibrant history can be easily missed in surviving evidence. You can’t deny that there’s something about a black-and-white photograph that feels… stuffy. With portraits showing people with their shirts buttoned right to the neck and everything in shades of gray and brown, our imaginations can incline to thinking of the past as a bit staid, if not downright dull. But look a little closer, and you’ll see signs that the fashion choices available to those who came before us were more colorful than you might first think. From the fabrics they wore, to the games they played, or the books they read, their world was alive with bright hues. This exhibit invites you to reimagine history with a fuller color palette and picture the vibrancy and joy that just might be hidden behind the unsmiling photographs.
Exhibition open weekdays from 12-4.