Striking Kellogg workers will remain on the picket line, as union members reject a tentative agreement.
Members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union in four states, including Michigan, hit the picket line more than two months ago.
In a written statement, the union says “the members have spoken. The strike continues.”

“The International Union will continue to provide full support to our striking Kellogg’s members,” says BCTGM International President Anthony Shelton.
Kellogg issued its own statement saying the proposed five year contract offered its striking 1,400 employees an accelerated, defined path to legacy wages and benefits for transitional employees, and wage increases and enhanced benefits for all.”
"After 19 negotiation sessions in 2021, and still no deal reached, we will continue to focus on moving forward to operate our business," said Chris Hood, President, Kellogg North America.
The cereal maker says it will continue hiring replacement employees in positions vacated by striking workers.