How do you best measure the progress of students in Michigan's classrooms and, by extension, the effectiveness of their teachers?
It's one of the thorniest challenges being debated in Michigan education.
For years, the Michigan Education Assessment Program (MEAP) and the Michigan Merit Exam (MME) have been the assessment tools. Now, with the move to the Common Core Standards, it's out with the MEAP and MME and in with the what?
Districts around Michigan are gearing up for an online adaptive assessment test in the spring of 2015.
The Michigan Department of Education says the state has only one option for testing students on the Common Core State Standards for the next three years.
And that option is the Smarter Balanced Assessment, the SBA.
But state lawmakers haven't made that official.
We wondered how districts are preparing for the SBA or whatever test they're told to administer next year.
William Heath is superintendent of the Morrice Area Schools and the principal at Morrice Junior and Senior High School located in Shiawassee County. He joined us today.
Listen to the full interview above.