The ideal ratio of students to school counselors is 250-to-1.
The ratio in Michigan high schools these days? About 500-to-1. In some schools, it's around 750-to-1.
That shortage is hurting kids as they try to navigate the process of applying for and getting into some kind of post-secondary education.
Brandy Johnson, executive director of the Michigan College Access Network, joined Stateside to discuss what Michigan’s counselor shortage looks like across the state, and what's needed to fill the gap. She also explains what the shortage does to kids' chances of going on to a post-secondary educational opportunity.
Listen above.
The House education budget committee yesterday reduced the amount Gov. Snyder proposed for his “Marshall Plan for Talent.” That plan includes $10.1 million intended to help school districts hire career navigators, like school counselors and college advisors.
But, Brandy Johnson says she’s still hopeful that the funding will make its way back into the budget before it’s finalized.
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