Schools across the Detroit Public Schools Community District participated in a Day of Peace, where students and staff promoted peace and healing and discouraged bullying and violence.
Students from Fisher Magnet Lower Academy marched down the street, saying, "What do we want? Peace and healing. When do we want it? Now."
Hundreds of students across the district wore white, marched and vowed to be student ambassadors against violence.
In different schools, there were spoken word poetry recitations, demonstrations and opportunities to color and say words of affirmations.
Shekitra Green is the principal of Fisher Magnet Lower Academy.
"To have this type of experience for them, especially in our area, the students don’t get it. So if we don’t give it to them, who will?" she said.
Green said programs like this allow her students to be vulnerable and allow staff to show students they care.
The Day of Peace is organized by Code 22, a local organization that for the past 12 years has been calling for a Day of Peace on the 22nd of every month. Activities include wearing white, prayer and gathering with folks against violence.
District officials say they hope to have more demonstrations on the 22nd of every month.