Nutrient pollution is a problem for the western basin of Lake Erie and Saginaw Bay. Toxic cyanobacterial blooms feed on excess phosphorus and nitrogen linked to increased toxicity of some of the cyanobacteria. Agricultural runoff is responsible for the bulk of the nutrients getting into the water bodies.
The State of Michigan is distributing American Rescue Plan Act money to conserve, acquire or restore wetland areas in targeted regions to help filter out the nutrients. Ducks Unlimited (DU) is administering the effort.
“The Wetlands Conservation Program will direct $3.65 million to fund approximately 5 to 10 wetland conservation projects that benefit water quality, recreation and/or tourism in the Saginaw Bay and western Lake Erie watersheds,” said Kali Rush, a regional biologist for Ducks Unlimited’s Great Lakes/Atlantic Regional Office.

A request for proposals has been issued, asking groups to submit eligible plans.
“The project site must either be a wetland or contain primarily hydric soils or wetland restoration,” Rush explained.
Basically that means deteriorated wetlands or sites that formerly were wetlands. The program would like to see five to ten wetland restoration projects.
“We are asking for a project ranges between 250 and 750,000,” Rush said, adding there might be wiggle room for a little more if the proposal warrants it.
The deadline for applications is before noon on March 11, 2024. The deadline for final reports on the projects is September of 2026.
Ducks Unlimited suggests applicants schedule a pre-application meeting to review project activities, methods, and contracting before submitting a proposal.
You can contact DU about applying for the program at