As Flint's water crisis unfolded, there was a lot of news about decisions made by top level officials.
The decision to switch the city's drinking water source to the Flint River; decisions about corrosion control; and, eventually, the decision to switch back to Detroit water.
But what did these decisions mean for people living in Flint?
We gave one Flint family, the MacIntyres, a disposable camera and asked them to take photos of the way the Flint water crisis effected their day to day life.
It's a lot of seemingly little things, like brushing your teeth with bottled water, or dealing with giant bags of recycling.
They don't seem too bad on their own, but they build on each other to form a disrupted life.

Sean MacIntyre, who's usually the one cooking, says he's not using as much fresh food because he doesn't feel comfortable using tap water to wash fruits and vegetables. Instead, the family is eating a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches and macaroni and cheese from the box.
There's also feelings of guilt, Laura MacIntyre says.
The MacIntyres moved to Flint just before her two youngest kids were born, so she feels responsible for bringing her children to a place that now doesn't have clean drinking water.
Eibhen MacIntyre, the oldest, doesn't shy away from saying she wants to get out of the city.
You can hear from the family themselves in the video above.