Beaumont Health’s hospital in Wayne is currently closed. John Fox is Beaumont’s CEO. He says the closure is temporary.
It had been converted to take COVID-19 patients only. Since it appears the pandemic is leveling off, all the patients and staff were sent to other hospitals.
“So, we did not need the Wayne 200 beds for that. And we’re now have it being sanitized and we’ll be on the process of converting it back,” Fox said during an online news conference.
He said it made more sense to put staff and resources to fight the COVID-19 in the health system's other seven hospitals in the metro Detroit area.
Sanitizing the Wayne hospital will take days. Then, Beaumont will apply to the state to get approval to alter its use.
“We’re going to go to the regulators and say we want to take it back to a med-surge hospital and we’re going to start to bring on staff to reopen the ER and other functions. And they will be open when we can do it safely,” Fox explained.
It's not clear when staff will return to reopen the Emergency Room and other facilities to make it a community hospital again.