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Michigan Public Awards

2020 Awards

(Received in 2020 for coverage in 2019)

Edward R. Murrow National Award
Large Market

NYU School of Journalism - finalist in the Top Ten Works of U.S. Journalism of the Decade.

  • Not Safe to Drink” reported and produced by Michigan Radio‘s Lindsey Smith and edited by Sarah Hulett, with additional reporting from Steve Carmody, Rebecca Williams and Mark Brush

2020 Wade H. McCree Award for the Advancement of Justice by the Michigan Press Association Foundation

Edward R. Murrow, Regional* Large Market Radio Awards, Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA)

* Region 7; consists of public and commercial stations in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois

Category Winners

Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB) Station Awards:

  • STATION OF THE YEAR (Public Radio Group 2)

Best in Category 

Merit Awards


First Place

Second Place

PMJA AWARDS - Public Media Journalists Association 

2019 Awards

(Received in 2019 for Coverage in 2018)

Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB)
Station Awards

  • STATION OF THE YEAR (Public Radio Group 2)

                Best in Category

Merit Awards

Edward R. Murrow, Regional* Large Market Radio Awards, Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA)
            * Region 7; consists of public and commercial stations in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois

Category Winners

Michigan Associated Press Media Editors (AP) Awards

*Michigan Radio competes in the large market radio category, which includes both public and commercial radio stations that serve Michigan’s largest market of Detroit. 

First Place

Second Place


Michigan Radio’s Tracy Samilton received the 2019 Excellence in Personal Finance Reporting Award for “Why the Funeral Rule is one of the least-known consumer protection laws in the country” from the The Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) and the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE)

Further Recognition Awarded to Michigan Radio’s Believed podcast:


2018 Awards 
(Received in 2018 for Coverage in 2017)

Society of Professional Journalists, Detroit Chapter

Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB)
Station Awards

  • STATION OF THE YEAR (Public Radio Group 2)

Best in Category

        Merit Awards

Edward R. Murrow, Regional* Large Market Radio Awards, Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA)
            * Region 7; consists of public and commercial stations in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois

Michigan Associated Press Media Editors, Large Market Radio Category 
First Place:

Second Place:

2017 Awards 
(Received in 2017 for Coverage in 2016)

Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB)
Station Award

  • Station of the Year (Group 2)      

First Place - Best in Category

Merit Awards

Scripps Howard Foundation
Scripps Howard Award

State Bar of Michigan and the Michigan Press Association Foundation
2017 Wade H. McCree Award for the Advancement of Justice

Edward R. Murrow, Regional* Large Market Radio Awards, Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA)
            * Region 7; consists of public and commercial stations in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois

Society of Professional Journalists, Detroit Chapter

  • Young Journalist of the Year: Kate Wells
  • Lifetime Achievement Award: Jack Lessenberry

Michigan Associated Press Media Editors, Large Market Radio Category                           
First Place

Second Place

National Association of Black Journalists

SALUTE TO EXCELLENCE AWARD: Lester Graham, “Separate and Unequal

Public Radio News Directors Incorporated (PRNDI)
First Place

Second Place

2016 Awards
(Received in 2016 for Coverage in 2015)

Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism

  • Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award : “Not Safe to Drink,” by Lindsey Smith and edited by Sarah Hulett, with reporting help from Michigan Radio‘s Steve Carmody, Rebecca Williams and Mark Brush and editing help from Jennifer Guerra.

Michigan Associated Press
First Place

Second Place

Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB)

Station awards

  • Station of the Year (Group 2)

First Place- Best in Category

Merit Awards

Edward R. Murrow, Regional* Large Market Radio Awards, Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA)

* Region 7 consists of public and commercial stations in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois

Edward R. Murrow, National Large Market Radio Award, Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA)

Best News Documentary: "Not Safe to Drink," Lindsey Smith, with Sarah Hulett and Jennifer Guerra.

Public Radio News Directors Incorporated (PRNDI)

State Bar of Michigan

Wade H. McCree Award for the Advancement of Justice

Society of Professional Journalists

The Association for Women in Communications
Clarion Award

National Association of Black Journalists

Salute To Excellence Award

Third Coast Festival
Radio Impact Award recognizing a single documentary or feature that has significantly impacted an individual, group or community

  • Lindsey Smith, Sarah Hulett, Steve Carmody, Rebecca Williams, Jennifer Guerra and Mark Brush: “Not Safe to Drink

2015 Awards

(Received in 2015 for Coverage in 2014)

Public Radio News Directors Incorporated (PRNDI)
First Place

Second Place

The Society of Environmental Journalists
Honorable Mention

  • Award for Outstanding In-depth Reporting, Large Market: "Politics of Poison" - David Heath and Rebecca Williams for The Center for Public Integrity, Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting and Michigan Radio

Society of Professional Journalists
Mark of Excellence Award National Winner:

State Bar of Michigan
Wade H. McCree Award for the Advancement of Justice

Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB)
First Place- Best in Category

Merit Awards

Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA)
Edward R. Murrow, Regional* Large Market Radio Awards (*Region 7 consists of public and commercial stations in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois)

The Association for Women in Communications
National Clarion Awards

Michigan Associated Press
First Place

Second Place

Michigan Radio 2014 Awards
(Awarded for 2013 Coverage)

Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB)

  • Station of the Year (Group 2)
  • First Place- Best in Category
  • News Special or Public Affairs Program: “Unequal by Law – Lester Graham
  • Mini Documentary or Series: “Detroit Deals with Bankruptcy” – Sarah Cwiek, Sarah Hulett
  • Feature/Use of Medium: “Kalamazoo Group Honors WWII Veterans – Lindsey Smith
  • Community Involvement: “State of Opportunity
  • Marketing Materials & Promos: “The Things That Matter” – Tamar Charney, Lindsey Smith, John K. Wilson
  • Merit Awards
  • Membership Appeal: “Making it Possible” – Tamar Charney, Mercedes Mejia, Tom Sleeker
  • Musical Programming: “Songs from Studio East: Frontier Ruckus – Mercedes Mejia

Society of Professional Journalists, Detroit Chapter

  • Young Journalist of the Year, Lindsey Smith

Radio Television Digital News Association
Edward R. Murrow, Regional Awards*
* Region 7 consists of public and commercial stations in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois

  • News Documentary, Large Market Radio: “The Education Gap” – Jennifer Guerra for State of Opportunity
  • News Website, Large Market Radio – Mark Brush

Michigan Associated Press
-       First Place, Large Market Radio

  • Best Spot News: "Detroit Bankruptcy" – News Staff
  • Best News Documentary: “Unequal by Law” – Lester Graham
  • Best Feature Story: "WWII Veterans" – Lindsey Smith
  • Best Website: www.michiganradio.org Mark Brush
  • Best Spot Photojournalism: "Grand Rapids Flooding" – Lindsey Smith
  • Best Individual Reporting: Sarah Hulett
  • Best Individual Photojournalism: Steve Carmody

-       Second Place, Large Market Radio
-     Best Natural Sound:  "Grand River" – Lindsey Smith
-     Best Individual Photojournalism:  Lindsey Smith
-     General Excellence: Michigan Radio

Public Radio News Directors Incorporated (PRNDI)

  • Second Place, Large Newsroom-Soft Feature: “Moving In, Moving Out” – Sarah Cwiek

Association for Women in Communications CLARION AWARD

  • Best Radio Documentary Series: “Shooting in Muskegon shed light on hero, and problems” – Dustin Dwyer for State of Opportunity

National Association of Black Journalists

  • Salute to Excellence Award, Radio Documentary category: “Race and Racism: A State of Opportunity Documentary” – Jennifer Guerra for State of Opportunity

Scripps Howard

  • Finalist, Scripps Howard Award for Radio In-Depth Coverage: “The Education Gap” – Jennifer Guerra

Michigan Radio 2013 Awards

*Awarded in 2013 for 2012 News Coverage

Public Radio News Directors, Inc.

Division A - News Feature

Second Place - Michigan Radio: “Rigged Election Map”

Association of Association for Women in Communications - 2013 Clarion Award

  • Salute to Excellence Award/Documentary: “Infant Mortality in Michigan,” Jennifer Guerra

National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ)

  • Salute to Excellence Award/Documentary: “Infant Mortality in Michigan,” Jennifer Guerra
  • Salute to Excellence Award/Feature category: “Idlewild, the Black Eden, celebrates 100 years” Kate Wells

Michigan Association of Broadcasters
Station awards

  • Station of the Year

First Place- Best in Category

  • Special Interest & Cultural Programming: “The Living Room” - Allison Downey, Zak Rosen
  • Mini Documentary or Series: “Lessons from Isle Royale’s Wolves and Moose” - Rebecca Williams, Mark Brush
  • Feature/Use of Medium: “Jackie and Joe” - Kate Wells
  • Newscast: August 31st, 2012 - Christina Shockley with Lindsey Smith, Vince Duffy, Steve Carmody
  • Musical Programming: “Songs from Studio East” - Mercedes Mejia, Jenn White, Bob Skon
  • New Media: “State of Opportunity” - Sarah Alvarez with Jennifer Guerra and Dustin Dwyer
  • Community Involvement: “State of Opportunity” - Jenn Guerra, Dustin Dwyer, Sarah Alvarez, Jenn White, Tamar Charney, Vince Duffy, Steve Chrypinski
  • Marketing Materials & Promos: “That’s What They Say” - Tamar Charney, Mercedes Mejia, Anne Curzan, Rina Miller
  • Membership Appeal: “Giving Voice” - Tamar Charney, Mercedes Mejia, Tom Sleeker

Merit Awards

Michigan Associated Press

Station awards

  • General Excellence Large Market Radio – Michigan Radio

First Place

Second Place

Radio Television Digital News Association

  • RTDNA/UNITY Award for Documentary: “Infant Mortality in Michigan,” Jennifer Guerra
  • 2012 Regional Edward R. Murrow Award
  • Best Newscast – Region 7 (Large Market Radio) – Christina Shockley

2012 State Bar of Michigan Wade H. McCree Award for the Advancement of Justice

Lester Graham: No-fault insurance law series

2011 Regional Edward R. Murrow Awards

Best Audio News Series: The Midwest and Manufacturing (Changing Gears)

2011 National Headliner Award

Third Place Broadcast Radio Networks and Syndicators: The Midwest and Manufacturing (Changing Gears)

2011 Detroit Society of Professional Journalists Awards

Spot or Breaking News Reporting

  • First: Steve Carmody – “Rich Rodriguez is Fired”

General News Reporting

  • First: Sarah Hulett – “Rape Kit Backlog”

Features Reporting

  • First: Steve Carmody – “Gold!”
  • Second: Sarah Cwiek – “A Personal Story”

Sports Reporting

  • First: Kyle Norris – “Autistic Kids Practice Social Skills”

Investigative Reporting

  • First: Lester Graham – “Confusion and Consequences”

Automotive Reporting

  • First: Tracy Samilton – “Michigan China Connection”


  • First: Christina Shockley and Michigan Radio Newsroom - Newscast Aug. 16, 7 a.m.

News Special/Documentary

  • First: Michigan Radio Newsroom- “Culture of Class”

Open Government Reporting

  • First: Lester Graham – “State Police Want Big Bucks”

Young Journalist of the Year

  • Finalist – Lindsey Smith

2011 Michigan Associated Press Awards

Station awards

General Excellence – Michigan Radio

First Place

  • Continuing Coverage: “Emergency Managers in Michigan,” Michigan Radio staff
  • News Documentary: “Culture of Class,” Jen Guerra
  • Individual Reporting: Sarah Hulett
  • Feature Story: “Foreclosures Decline, While Foreclosure Businesses Thrive,” Kate Davidson
  • Natural Sound: “Green Building Conference: Standing out from the Crowd,” Lester Graham
  • Website: michiganradio.org, Michigan Radio staff

Honorable Mentions

  • Continuing Coverage: “Confusion and Consequences: Changing Michigan’s Auto Insurance,” Lester Graham
  • News Documentary: “The Michigan China Connection,” Tracy Samilton
  • Individual Reporting: Rebecca Williams
  • Enterprise/Investigative Reporting: “Health and Safety Concerns Surround Glittersniffer Cosmetics,” Bridget Bodnar

2011 Michigan Association of Broadcasters Awards

Station awards

  • Station of the Year – Michigan Radio

First Place- Best in Category

  • Membership Appeal: “Mornings Sound Like”
  • Special Interest & Cultural Programming: “The Cost of Creativity”
  • Community Involvement: Issues & Ale
  • News Special or Public Affairs Program: The Culture of Class
  • Hard News & Current Events Story: “Rape Kit Backlog”
  • Marketing Materials & Promos: “Lights Out”
  • Musical Programming: “Songs from Studio East: Red Tail Ring”

Merit Awards

  • Community Involvement: “Your Story”
  • Hard News & Current Events: “Detroit Census Challenge”
  • Newscast: 6/9/11 Newscast
  • News Special or Public Affairs Program: “The Michigan-China Connection”
  • Marketing Materials & Promos: “Weekends Are”
  • Feature/Use of Medium: “Remembering Mr. Rogers’ Factory Tour”

2011 Niagara Foundation

Niagara Award in Media: Michigan Radio

2011 Clarion Award from Women in Communications

Best Documentary, Coal: Dirty Past, Hazy Future, The Environment Report

2011 Public Radio News Directors, Inc. Award2011 National RTDNA/UNITY Diversity Award

(Radio Television Digital News Association and UNITY: Journalists of Color) Radio-Large Market “Muslims in Michigan”

2011 National Edward R. Murrow Award

Best Audio News Documentary (Radio: Large Market) The Environment Report “Coal: Dirty Past, Hazy Future”

2010 Regional Edward R. Murrow Awards
(Radio Television Digital News Association)

Best Documentary
Lester Graham, Rebecca Williams, Mark Brush (Michigan Radio):"Coal: Dirty Past, Hazy Future."

Best Feature
Dustin Dwyer (Michigan Radio): "Curling"

2010 Gabriel Awards
(Catholic Academy for Communication Arts Professionals)

Local release documentary category

Ecumenical & Interreligious local release category

2010 Detroit Society of Professional Journalists Awards

General news

  • First -Sarah Cwiek, Sarah Hulett, Dustin Dwyer (Michigan Radio): "Shrinking Detroit"
  • Third - Sarah Hulett (Michigan Radio): "Inch-vestors in Detroit"

Features reporting

  • First - Sarah Hulett, Sarah Cwiek, Jennifer Guerra, Dustin Dwyer (Michigan Radio): "Muslims in Michigan"
  • Second - Kate Davidson (Michigan Radio): "Retraining"

Spot or breaking news

  • Second - Michigan Radio Newsroom: "Kalamazoo River Oil Spill"
  • Third - Tracy Samilton (Michigan Radio): "Whitacre Resigns"

Sports reporting

  • Second - Kyle Norris (Michigan Radio): "Detroit Soccer Club"
  • Third - Dustin Dwyer (Michigan Radio): "Curling"

Investigative reporting


  • Second - Christina Shockley, Michigan Radio Newsroom: 6 a.m. Newscast 10-14-10
  • Third - Christina Shockley, Michigan Radio Newsroom: 7 a.m. Newscast 8-10-10

News special/documentary

Open government reporting

  • First - Lester Graham (Michigan Radio): "Paying for Michigan Schools"
  • Second - Lester Graham (Michigan Radio): "Who Writes the Laws?"

2010 Michigan Associated Press Awards

Station awards

  • General Excellence – Michigan Radio

"Best of" awards

  • Hard News: “Shrinking Detroit,” Sarah Hulett, Sarah Cwiek, Dustin Dwyer
  • Continuing Coverage: “Kalamazoo River Oil Spill,” Michigan Radio staff
  • News Documentary: "Coal: Dirty Past, Hazy Future," The Environment Report.
  • Individual Reporting: Kyle Norris
  • Enterprise/Investigative Reporting: “Rebuilding Detroit Schools: A Tale of Two Cities,” Jennifer Guerra, Sarah Hulett, Mercedes Mejia
  • Newscast: Zoe Clark, Michigan Radio Newsroom
  • Natural Sound: “Senior Musicians,” Kyle Norris.
  • Website: michiganradio.org, Mark Brush, Tamar Charney, Lani Chisnell, Zoe Clark, Vincent Duffy

Honorable Mention

  • Newscast: Christina Shockley, Michigan Radio Newsroom
  • News Documentary: “Rebuilding Detroit Schools: A Tale of Two Cities,” Jennifer Guerra, Sarah Hulett, Mercedes Mejia
  • Enterprise/Investigative Reporting: “Is Fire Safety Putting Us at Risk?,” Rebecca Williams, Lester Graham

2010 Headliner Awards

News Series, Third Place: "Is Fire Safety Putting Us At Risk?," Rebecca Williams and Lester Graham, Michigan Radio

2010 Michigan Association of Broadcasters Broadcast Excellence Awards

Michigan Radio received seven awards this year for our journalism.


Mini-Documentary or Series
Rebuilding Detroit Schools: A Tale of Two Cities
- Jennifer Guerra, Sarah Hulett, and programming staff

News Special or Public Affairs Program
Coal: Dirty Past, Hazy Future
- Mark Brush, Lester Graham, Rebecca Williams

Olympic Snowboarding
- Charles Manley


Mini-Documentary or Series
Shrinking Detroit
- Sarah Hulett

- Dustin Dwyer

Newscast: August 10th, 2010 7:00AM
- Christina Shockley and newsroom

News Special or Public Affairs Program
Kennedy and the Peace Corps: Idealism on the Ground
- Lester Graham

Michigan Association of Broadcasters Broadcast Excellence Awards

2009 Public Radio Station of the Year (Group 2)

Best in Category Awards:
- HARD NEWS AND CURRENT EVENTS STORY – "Overqualified Applicants"
- MINI-DOCUMENTARY OR SERIES - Facing the Mortgage Crisis
- NEWSCAST – December 10, 2009
- MEMBERSHIP APPEAL – "Don’t Wait for the Senate"
- COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT – Facing the Mortgage Crisis
- MARKETING MATERIALS AND PROMOS – Facing the Mortgage Crisis

Merit Award:
- HARD NEWS AND CURRENT EVENTS STORY – "Highland Park Unemployment"
- NEWSCAST – November 11, 2009
- NEWS SPECIAL OR PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM – "Generation Y Michigan" Call-In Show
- MEMBERSHIP APPEAL – Facing the Mortgage Crisis


2009 Clarion Award from Women in Communications
Best Documentary: Foreclosing on the American Dream

2008 National Edward R. Murrow Award
Best News Documentary: Ashes to Hope

Michigan Radio, the public radio service of the University of Michigan, has been recognized for excellence in broadcast journalism by the Radio-Television News Directors Association. The station received a National Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Radio News Documentary for Ashes to Hope: Overcoming the Detroit Riots. The news series looked at how the 1967 Detroit riots affected people, neighborhoods and even music in the Motor City, and explored the long term consequence of the riots on both the city and the state of Michigan.

The 2008 award represents the first National Edward R. Murrow Award that Michigan Radio has received, though the station’s sister organization, The Environment Report, received a National Murrow Award in 2002. Michigan Radio was the only television or radio station in the state of Michigan to receive a 2008 National Edward R. Murrow Award.

The Radio-Television News Directors Association has been honoring outstanding achievements in electronic journalism with the Edward R. Murrow Awards since 1971. Award recipients demonstrate the spirit of excellence that Edward R. Murrow made a standard for the broadcast news profession. The Murrow Award recognizes the “best of the best”, and is considered the most prestigious award in electronic journalism. 2008 National Murrow winners will be honored at the RTNDA Awards Dinner on October 13 at the Grand Hyatt New York.

Congratulations to producer Tamar Charney; host Christina Shockley; editors Vincent Duffy and Lester Graham; reporters Steve Carmody, Dustin Dwyer, Vincent Duffy, Jennifer Guerra, Sarah Hulett, and Tracy Samilton; segment producers Richie Duchon, Jennifer Guerra, Maria Howes, and Jack Lessenberry; and production assistants Zoe Clark, and Katherine Gorman.

2008 Clarion Award from Women in Communications
Best Documentary: Ashes to Hope
Best Documentary Series: Grading Michigan Schools

2007 Sigma Delta Chi Award from The Society of Professional Journalists
Public Service in Radio Journalism: Grading Michigan Schools

Michigan Radio, the public radio service of the University of Michigan, has been recognized by the National Society of Professional Journalists. The station was awarded the 2007 Sigma Delta Chi Award for Public Service in Radio Journalism for Grading Michigan Schools, Michigan Radio's multi-part series of reports about education in the state. The Public Service in Radio Journalism Award recognizes a radio news organization that renders public service through extensive coverage of an issue facing the community it serves.

The Sigma Delta Chi Awards recognize the best in professional journalism in 48 categories, covering print, radio, television, newsletters, photography, online and research. This year's winners were chosen from more than 1,000 entries from across the country. The only other public radio organizations to be recognized were Chicago Public Radio and "The World", the national program from Public Radio International.

Congratulations to Sarah Hulett, Tracy Samilton, and Samara Freemark along with Vincent Duffy, Lester Graham, and Kaomi Goetz for their work on this award winning series.


2008 Region 7 Edward R. Murrow Winners
Best Continuing Coverage: Michigan's Budget Crisis
Best Feature: Turning Around A Troubled School
Best News Documentary: Ashes to Hope