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Michigan Radio Privacy Policy

Michigan Public Media is committed to the privacy of any information you provide us. We've produced this policy to disclose the information gathering and dissemination practices for this website, as well as all the websites owned or operated by Michigan Public Media.

We will do our very best to ensure the privacy of any identifiable information (such as full name, address, email address, telephone number and/or other identifiable information) you may provide us.

Information we may gather:

  • Our web servers will create log files which contain all or some of the following information:
  • The date, time and length of your visit.
  • The path taken through our website and the browser being used.
  • The list of files downloaded and the amount of time spent viewing any video or audio files.
  • The IP address of the computer accessing our sites. We use the IP address to help diagnose problems with our servers and to administer our web site.
  • Any errors you encounter while visiting the site.

We will not collect any information that personally identifies you to us, other than what you supply to us on a voluntary basis. However, in order to participate in some activities, you might be asked to provide some personally identifiable information. This might be in connection with a contest registration, a subscription to email newsletters, requests for membership information, fulfillment of membership and thank you gifts, gathering editorial comments and feedback, content submissions like comments and suggestions or votes, or online surveys. In the case of surveys, the information you provide would be used only in aggregate to describe our audience and to assist us in better serving you.

Michigan Public Media will not willfully disclose your personal information received online to any third party.

Michigan Public Media may use your personal contact information for marketing and promotional purposes.

If you do not want personal information which you voluntarily supply used by us for these purposes, you may "opt out" by explicitly informing us. Please note, however, under certain circumstances, opting out may prevent your participation in activities for which personal information is needed, such as contests.

When you engage in financial transactions at our websites, you may be asked for a credit card number. Our server is secure and your credit card number will be encrypted as it passes through the Internet. Such information is saved in an encrypted format or in internal systems that are protected by an internal firewall system.

You should also know:

This site contains links to other sites. Michigan Public Media is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such other web sites.

By using this site, you signify your agreement to the terms and conditions of this Michigan Public Media Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use this site. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this policy at any time. Please check this page regularly for any changes. Your continued use of this or any other Michigan Public Media website following the posting of any changes to these terms shall mean that you have accepted those changes.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us: info@michiganpublicmedia.org or write us at 535 W William St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103.

List Exchange Policy

Long-term support from our individual members is critical to fulfilling Michigan Public Media's mission of service to the community. Maintaining and preserving a strong, trusting relationship with our members is key to this vital source of support.

Finding more individuals to join in supporting our services is also vital to the long-term success of our organization. Individuals who have contributed to organizations similar to ours are among the most likely to also be loyal supporters of Michigan Public Media. Access to lists of donors to these community organizations is also a vital element of our efforts to raise the money needed to provide our services.

Balancing the needs and desires of our contributors along with meeting the need for efficient and effective fundraising practices are the principles that serve as the underpinning of our list exchange policy. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that we conduct our fundraising in compliance with nationally established guidelines while ensuring that our member's trust and faith in us is well placed and deserved.

Michigan Public Media will, on occasion, rent membership lists from other well-established charitable, cultural non-profit, or other organizations. We will not rent member's names from any candidate for public office, committees or organizations supporting a candidate, political parties, or organizations that solicit funds for use in political campaigns for any purpose. We believe that the opportunities for increased financial support and the cost reductions resulting from list exchanges conducted within the guidelines of this policy will help us deliver more and higher quality mission-related services to the public.

In acquiring lists, the following principles will always apply:

  • We will maintain complete and accurate records of the origins of membership and potential donor lists for at least such time as required by law.
  • We may enter into agreements with outside companies in fulfillment of member premiums or an "affinity" program, such as the Membercard. We will only enter into an "affinity" program which would offer our members a quality product at or below market price.

We will not rent lists from any organization if we believe doing so may endanger the trust between Michigan Public Media and its members.

We will comply with the laws and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service, the State of Michigan, the University of Michigan, the United States Postal Service, and the certification requirements of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact us: info@michiganpublicmedia.org or write us at 535 W William St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103.