Ahead of the 100-year anniversary of the state park system, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources has drafted a strategic plan for the state parks and recreation system.
The draft plan will replace the current strategic plan, which was set to last until 2019. The draft identifies new issues and recent changes within the system. Key issues include the environment, economic impact, and balancing recreation and protection.
The Parks and Recreation Division manages more than 300,000 acres of land across the state, as well as the state's boating program, trail systems and forest campgrounds.
In a statement, Parks and Recreation chief Ron Olson said, "The strategic plan will serve as our road map for park and recreation planning in the state over the course of the next five years. Input from our residents is integral to the success of this strategic plan."
More from the MDNR press release:
The new strategic plan ultimately will guide the division in meeting its mission to "acquire, protect and preserve the natural and cultural features of Michigan’s unique resources, and to provide access to land- and water-based recreation and educational opportunities" over the upcoming five-year period.
The draft plan can be viewed here. Comments and feedback on the draft strategic plan can be emailed to DNR-PRD-Planning@michigan.gov through May 19, 2017.