Millionaire businessman Shri Thanedar filed petition signatures Monday to appear as a candidate for governor on the Democratic primary ballot in August.
Thanedar is a PhD who made his fortune in the chemical testing industry after immigrating from India.
“In 1984, I got my green card, which made the way for me to become a U.S. citizen. So, I owe tremendously to Michigan," he says. "I want to give back. And this is my chance, so I am really excited today to make that happen.”
Thanedar has spent a substantial amount of his personal fortune on TV ads. He says the ad campaign is showing results.
“So we are getting a lot of support from people, and we will begin a fundraising campaign now that people know. We have 70% name recognition.”
Former state Senate leader Gretchen Whitmer and former Detroit health director Abdul El-Sayed have also filed petitions to run as Democrats for governor.