You may not have seen it in the latest Pure Michigan ad, but the state would be a great place for any Bigfoot looking to relocate.
So says, Cliff Barackman a researcher for the reality television show “Finding Bigfoot.”
Barackman and his colleagues from the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) spent nearly a week in April investigating Bigfoot sightings around Houghton Lake, West Branch, and Gladwin State Forest, the Detroit Free Press reports.
Their investigation resulted in an hour-long episode that aired last night on Animal Planet.
But, it's cable, so it will air again tonight at 9 p.m. tonight, and likely many more times in the future.
From the Free Press:
"Bigfoots seem to be rather evenly spread throughout the available habitat in Michigan, and we certainly had great witnesses and night investigations in the area we chose," show investigator Cliff Barackman told the Free Press via e-mail last week. He was writing from Vietnam, where "Finding Bigfoot" is conducting its latest investigation. "Between the forests, swamps and farmlands, there is more than enough food and cover for a healthy population of Bigfoots to feed and remain largely undetected, even though they do so virtually under the nose of their human neighbors," Barackman told the Free Press.
The show’s visit to Michigan included a 400-person town hall meeting at the Houghton Lake Area Historical Society's Playhouse in Prudenville, where local residents could share their Bigfoot sightings and evidence.
Here's a quick look at the meeting, Sasquatch sounds included:!
MLive reports that researchers left convinced at least one Bigfoot lives in the region, but were unable to provide conclusive evidence.
If you have seen, or are Bigfoot, please contact us on Facebook and Twitter.
- Jordan Wyant, Michigan Radio Newsroom