It's finally summertime – time to relax on that lawn chair out in the sunshine and read a good book. has published its fourth annual list of the most well-read cities in America, and Ann Arbor is ranked sixth.
The ranking is determined by compiling sales data of all books, magazines, and newspapers, published in print or online.
At the top of the list is Alexandria, Virginia, followed by Miami, Florida and Knoxville, Tennessee. Ann Arbor is followed by other college towns, like Berkeley, California, and Cambridge, Massachusetts.
In their press release, Sara Nelson, Editorial Director of Print and Kindle Books, emphasized the importance of ranking cities by how much they are reading.
Our annual Most Well-Read Cities list shows that reading continues to be a passion for people from coast to coast. This weekend marks the start of the summer reading season, so we hope customers find a great book to enjoy and help contribute to their city's well-read status.
Perhaps a bit of competition among well-read cities could motivate Ann Arbor or other Michigan cities to rise higher on the list.
– Paige Pfleger, Michigan Radio Newsroom