Dan Netter
Stateside InternDan Netter joined the Stateside team as an intern in May 2022 and is a senior at Michigan State University studying Journalism and Social Relations & Policy. He started as an intern at WDET before becoming the politics and labor reporter at The State News. Alongside being an intern at Stateside, Dan also interns at The American Prospect. His favorite song is "Love Comes to Everyone" by George Harrison.
Cuban Ambassador Lianys Torres Rivera is one of the many people striving to re-establish relationships between the U.S. and Cuba. She recently visited Detroit.
Melissa Nann Burke of Detroit News and Brett Dahlberg of Michigan Radio joined to talk about the object in the sky that was shot down by the military on Sunday.
Phil Lewis of Huff Post joined to talk Tubi and the role Detroit plays for the streaming service.
Finnish-American folk-god Heikki Lunta is a mythical deity who brought snow to the far north of the Upper Peninsula one crucial winter in the 1970s.
Stateside regular Craig Mauger joined to talk about the race for chair of the Michigan Republican Party
Joe Hertler of "Joe Hertler and the Rainbow Seekers," a Lansing-based band, shared his favorite songs from Michigan-based artists in 2022.
Rep. Jack Bergman dropped in to offer his thoughts on the votes to decide the Speaker of the House. And told us why he's voted Kevin McCarthy.
David Siev, a documentary filmmaker discussed the making of his new film about his family's story of moving from Cambodia to Bad Axe, and creating a new life for themselves.
The story of a school shooting doesn’t end with a news cycle. It doesn't end when the cameras stop showing up to campus or when weapon detecting devices are installed at a school. It’s an ongoing story, and one that only the people who’ve gone through it can truly understand.
In 1970, a group of student protesters and police officers faced off on the football field. What started as a call about trespassing evolved into an annual tradition known as the Bull Bowl—or Pigs vs. Freaks.