Priya Vijayakumar
Newsroom InternPriya Vijayakumar started her Newsroom Internship in January 2023. She is interested in science/health reporting and making the facts more accessible to all! Priya studied mechanical engineering and journalism at UC Berkeley, where she reported for KALX 90.7FM. When not at the radio station, she works as a research assistant for Michigan Medicine (or can be found pestering her tuxedo cat named Poe).
The researchers say since the pandemic, access to reliable home internet connection shows signs of decline for rural students in Michigan.
The complex can house up to 48 families.
Community advocates cited environmental and health concerns as reasons to overturn the proposal.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture tracked white-tailed deer for a year, and detected widespread transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
It is the fourth time this bill has been proposed in the last six years.
Pandemic-era policies have slowed registrations despite the continual need for organ donors in the state.
The bill would equalize the costs of oral chemotherapy medications with intravenous and injectable forms.
End-of-year events like recess and field day are moving indoors for the time being in some districts.
The bill would fine adults who knowingly send such content without prior consent.
The American Automobile Association says fatal crashes involving teen drivers are the leading cause of death for teens ages 16 and up.