Sarah Cwiek
Detroit Reporter/ProducerSarah Cwiek joined Michigan Public in October 2009. As our Detroit reporter, she is helping us expand our coverage of the economy, politics, and culture in and around the city of Detroit.
Before her arrival at Michigan Public, Sarah worked at WDET-FM as a reporter and producer.
The LEAD program gave merit-based scholarships to admitted UM students from racial and ethnic minority groups. It started as a way to promote diversity in the student body after Michigan outlawed Affirmative Action policies.
Education advocates in Michigan say they’re worried and alarmed about the Trump Administration’s moves toward dismantling the U.S. Department of Education.
Last fall, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed laws that will take effect in 2027 designed to change how children are taught to read in Michigan’s public schools. In this second of a two-part series, we explore how these changes are likely to look in classrooms, and what factors will decide their success there.
My daughter has dyslexia. So when I heard Michigan was passing laws that change how reading is taught in schools – and educate teachers more about dyslexia – I was interested in knowing more. This is the first of a two-part story about what I found.
The Case Western – one of the first modern all-steel ships to sail the Great Lakes – broke apart and sank under mysterious conditions about 60 miles northwest of Whitefish Point in Lake Superior in 1892. 27 people perished in the wreck.
The Great Lakes Water Authority's board voted to increase rates to its wholesale customer communities by the largest margin in years. Water rates will go up nearly 6%, while sewer rates will increase by 4.5% starting in July.
Republican Reps. John Moolenaar and Tim Walberg sent letters to Oakland University, Eastern Michigan University, and the University of Detroit-Mercy this week. They say the universities' joint research endeavors with Chinese institutions are a potential national security threat.
A 54-inch transmission pipe burst in the early hours of Monday morning, unleashing a torrent of icy water that impacted nearly 400 homes in Southwest Detroit. A number of those residents are still without power or heat, city officials said on Tuesday.
A water transmission main broke in Detroit’s Southwest neighborhood early Monday. Detroit officials say the city will help pay to repair homes. Crews worked to reduce flooding and help people get out of flooded homes.
The report examined shutoff data for six U.S. utilities, including DTE. It found that in 2024, the company shut off power to delinquent customers more than 150,000 times.