There’s a tug of war over control of Detroit’s public access television channels. Mayor Dave Bing wants to expand programming, but City Council says the service is fine as it is.
Mayor Bing is suing the Detroit City Council because it voted to give itself control over the city’s public access TV programming.
The channels are used mostly to broadcast and re-run council meetings. Bing says the resource could be better used.
Councilman Kwame Kenyatta says the mayor’s suit is disrespectful of council.
Bing spokeswoman Karen Dumas disagrees.
"That's not true," Dumas says. "Just because the mayor and council may disagree, I don't think this should indicate disrespect or dislike to any degree. It's just a matter that they disagree on this."
Dumas says the mayor would like to include programs about other city departments and services, not just city council.