Governor Rick Snyder plans to act as the grand marshal of the annual Blossomtime Grand Floral parade in Benton Harbor and St. Joseph, this saturday.
The Detroit News is reporting that groups are planning to protest the parade.
From the Associated Press:
Gov. Rick Snyder is scheduled to serve as grand marshal of the annual Blossomtime Grand Floral parade in southwestern Michigan. The Detroit News reports a Kentucky-based Democratic group plans to demonstrate at the parade in protest of Michigan's new law giving state-appointed financial managers broader powers in correcting the finances of communities and school districts. Snyder signed the law in March. Benton Harbor financial manager Joe Harris already has prohibited actions by city elected leaders without his authorization. Harris is former chief financial officer for Detroit. He was appointed last year to fix Benton Harbor's troubles by then-Gov. Jennifer Granholm.
The parade is scheduled at 1 p.m.
-Brian Short, Michigan Radio Newsroom