Michigan voters will probably still need to affirm their citizenship before they cast ballots. That's despite a U.S. Supreme Court ruling today.
The nation’s highest court struck down an Arizona law that required individuals to prove their citizenship status when they registered to vote.
Michigan requires voters to ‘affirm’ their citizenship status, but not necessarily provide proof.
A spokeswoman for the Secretary of State’s office says their lawyers were reviewing the Supreme Court decision in the Arizona case. But she says they’re confident Michigan’s law will stand.
The court’s decision drew a sharp rebuke from Michigan Congresswoman Candice Miller.
In a written statement, Miller talks about the “paralyzing effects (of) federal intervention” preventing states from “maintaining public confidence in the accuracy of…election results”
Supporters say citizenship laws help prevent “undocumented immigrants” and others from casting ballots illegally.
Opponents say the laws are intended to suppress voter turnout.