Construction for the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge’s new visitor center has been delayed, due to the ongoing partial federal government shutdown.
As the Associated Press’s David Runk reported, construction for the refuge’s 12,000 square foot center was slated to begin Wednesday, but the temporary hold on federal funds postponed the project.
U.S. Representative John Dingell (D-Michigan 12th District), who proposed the legislation that created the refuge in 2001, said he was disappointed by yet another impact of the continuing shutdown:
“It’s an absolute shame that the partisan bickering and wayward ways of Washington have forced us to postpone this important event at the Refuge, but I’m hopeful a resolution will soon be reached and we can continue on with this planned project without further delay,” Dingell said.
Once completed, the center will add “a theater, classrooms, and offices along with a wildlife observation area and outdoor patios” to the 5,700-acre refuge. There's no date set for construction to begin.
- Melanie Kruvelis, Michigan Radio Newsroom