Approximately 1.7 million Americans moved to a different state in 2012. But from where are people leaving, and where do they go?
A recent infographic by Chris Walker visualizes American migration patterns. It shows Americans are flocking to Florida, and more people are leaving Michigan than moving to the state.
According to the Census data that informed the infographic, about 134,000 Americans migrated to the Mitten State in 2012. More than 175,000 left the state.
So where do Michiganders go when they leave the mitten?
They go to Florida. 23,000 Michigan residents headed for the Sunshine State in 2012. In comparison, 13,000 Floridians left for Michigan.
The infographic also shows many Michiganders head to other (warmer) climates: California, Arizona, Texas, Georgia and North Carolina are major recipients of former Michigan residents.
And as for the New York state of mind, Michiganders don't seem too interested. New York is the only state that experiences more people moving to Michigan than moving to New York.
- Melanie Kruvelis, Michigan Radio Newsroom