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Poll indicates same-sex marriage is losing support in Michigan

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A new poll done by EPIC-MRA for the Detroit Free Press and WXYZ-TV indicates that same-sex marriage has lost support in Michigan. 

In 2013, the poll indicated that 51% supported same-sex marriage, and 41% said they opposed.

If it were put to a vote now, however, the poll found that only 47% would vote yes and 46% would vote no. The other 7% were either undecided, or refused to say. (The poll had a margin of error of +/- 4%.)

You can see the results from EPIC-MRA here (see question 26).

In an article for the Free Press, Paul Egan poses the possible implications of the new numbers. 

Bernie Porn, president of EPIC-MRA of Lansing, which conducted the poll, said he's surprised by the result. He said, it's too early to say whether the poll is a statistical outlier or represents a shift in the public mood over the last year, as same-sex marriage has garnered considerable media attention due to a federal lawsuit in Detroit and significant court rulings in Michigan and other states, he said.

It is possible, Porn indicates, that Michiganders have pulled back on the issue because of the influx of media attention. The results could also be skewed because it drew from a lower number of presidential election voters, who tend to be younger, than the vote conducted last year. 

The only voter age group that supports same-sex marriage is the youngest one, 18 to 34, where support is a strong 68% for and 28% opposed. Those between the ages of 35-49 oppose same-sex marriage 49%-46%, while those between 50-64 oppose is 47%-46%, and those 65 and older oppose is 54%-37%, the poll shows.

More polls would help determine whether this is an outlier, or whether same-sex marriage really is losing support, even as it gains media attention. 

--Paige Pfleger, Michigan Radio Newsroom

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