This Week in Review, Jack Lessenberry and Rina Miller discuss Michigan’s anti-gay marriage law being upheld, the Detroit bankruptcy trial ruling, and what to expect during this term’s lame-duck session.
Gay marriage
A federal appeals court in Cincinnati has ruled to uphold anti-gay marriage laws in four states, including Michigan.
Thursday’s ruling overturns a previous ruling which said Michigan’s gay marriage ban was unconstitutional.
Lessenberry said the matter is almost certain to go the U.S. Supreme Court.
“People who are in favor of marriage equality were dismayed by this [ruling],” he said. “In a way, it may actually be a catalyst to get this issue decided once and for all.”
Detroit bankruptcy ruling
Sixteen months after Detroit made history by filing for bankruptcy, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes has made his decision.
Judge Rhodes approved the city’s plan to regain solvency and will allow Detroit to exit Chapter 9 status.
Lessenberry said though the ruling looks good, Detroit’s recovery will be a delicate process.
“Even Mayor Mike Duggan admits, if there’s a recession, some kind of downturn, the Legislature cuts even more of the revenue sharing money the city’s been promised, this could all go in the tank,” Lessenberry said.
Lame duck
Now that Election Day is over, many are wondering what Gov.Rick Snyder plans to do during this term’s lame-duck session.
One word: Roads.
After winning re-election on Tuesday, the governor said he wants to get a $1 billion road improvement bill through the Legislature before the first of the year.
Lessenberry said the lame-duck session might be the governor’s last chance to push this bill through.
“This may be a difficult few years for Gov. Snyder,” Lessenberry said. “As far as we can tell, the Legislature just elected may be less likely to go along with some of his programs than the last one was.”
– Rebecca Kruth, Michigan Radio Newsroom