Genesee County prosecutors are reviewing the case against a Flint city councilman who allegedly pawned his city issued laptop.
Councilman Eric Mays admits he pawned the laptop for $100. He later reclaimed it. He told a Flint-based web news outlet that he didn’t consider pawning the laptop was “criminal.”
“I think it just shows I’m poor,” Mays told Flint Beat.
Mays claims there are “political” motives behind the criminal investigation. A colorful, controversial player in Flint politics, Mays has often clashed with other council members during meetings. His at-times disruptive style has gotten him escorted out of more than one city council meeting.
Mays is up for re-election this fall.
This is not May’s first brush with authorities during his city hall tenure. He was jailed briefly for an ”impaired driving” conviction.
The Genesee County prosecutor’s office is reviewing the police report it received this week.