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Public Documents

Michigan Public makes a series of documents accessible to the public as part of its responsibility to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which supports the station through annual Community Service Grants (CSGs), and to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Documents available for public review (below) include a list of station senior/executive management, a list of the board of directors and a schedule of the board’s open meetings, complete annual financial statements, a diversity statement, and a local content and service report.

Senior/Executive Management

Michigan Public’s Executive Director/General Manager is responsible for oversight and management of the station. Day-to-day operations are further managed by a team of senior managers, as listed below. The senior/executive management team can be reached by calling Michigan Public’s main number, 734-764-9210, or by emailing them directly.

Wendy Turner, Executive Director/General Manager, wlturner[at]umich.edu

Zoe Clark, Politics Director, zoeclark[at]umich.edu

Vincent Duffy, News Director, vduffy[at]umich.edu

Daryel Peake, Director of Development, dpeake[at]umich.edu

Matt Shafer Powell, Programming Director, mspowell[at]umich.edu

Laura Weber Davis, Stateside Executive Producer, laurawd[at]umich.edu

Jodi Westrick, Director of Digital Audiences, jowest[at]umich.edu

The executive director/general manager reports to Richie C. Hunter, Vice President for Communications, who can be contacted at: rchunter[at]umich.edu and/or 734-763-5800.

Governing Board Members

Michigan Public (WUOM / WFUM / WVGR / WRSX / WLNZ) is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to the Regents of the University of Michigan, which is governed by an eight member Board of Regents elected at-large in biennial statewide elections. A list of the Regents, effective through December 31, 2023, can be found below. Michigan Public does not have a separate Community Advisory Board.

Jordan B. Acker, Huntington Woods

Michael J. Behm, Grand Blanc

Mark J. Bernstein, Ann Arbor

Paul W. Brown, Ann Arbor

Sarah Hubbard, Okemos

Denise Illitch, Bingham Farms

Carl Meyers, Dearborn

Katherine E. White, Ann Arbor

Santa Ono (ex officio)

Open Board Meetings

The University of Michigan Board of Regents’ 2025 meetings are scheduled to take place on the following dates: February 20, March 20, May 15 (Dearborn), June 12, September 18, October 16 (Flint), and November 20. All formal sessions of the board are open to the public and will take place in Ann Arbor at University Hall - Ruthven Building, unless otherwise noted. Meeting schedules and agendas will be published on the Board of Regents website the week of the meeting.

If, on the rare occasion, a board meeting is closed to the public in order to discuss sensitive or confidential information related to its public broadcasting station, Michigan Public will post a notice on this webpage within a reasonable time following the closed meeting.

Annual Report to the Community

We welcome our stakeholders to view our FY22 Annual Report to the Community. This document was prepared as part of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's Station Activity Survey (SAS). Our yearly completion of the SAS helps keep Michigan Public eligible for critical funding through the CPB's Community Service Grant program.

Financial Records

Michigan Public undergoes an annual financial audit and makes its audited statements available to the public on this webpage. The station’s audited financial statements for the past three years are listed below in addition to the Annual Financial Reports (AFRs) prepared for the CPB.

2023 Financial Statement (PDF) | 2023 CPB Annual Financial Report (PDF)

2022 Financial Statement (PDF) | 2022 CPB Annual Financial Report (PDF)

2021 Financial Statement (PDF) | 2021 CPB Annual Financial Report (PDF)

2020 Financial Statement (PDF) | 2020 CPB Annual Financial Report (PDF)

FCC Public Files

For decades, the public file for each broadcast station has been kept at the station’s main studio in paper or electronic form and made available during normal business hours. The FCC has now changed its rules to require almost all of this public file information to be posted online at a website hosted by the FCC. As a result, members of the public will be able to find information regarding individual stations, and other communication entities, more easily and at any time convenient to them. To directly access the public file information for each of Michigan Public’s three broadcast licenses, use the links below:

For help with any of the public files below, please contact public [at] michiganpublic.org.


Equal Opportunity Employer

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires Michigan Public to document that it has satisfied EEO requirements during each FCC license term. The station accomplishes this in the form of an annual EEO public file that details the filling of job vacancies.  Michigan Public filed for a FCC license renewal in September 2012 and will do so again in 2020. The report for the current license period is as follows:

June 1, 2023 - May 31, 2024 Annual EEO Public File Report (PDF).

Michigan Public is looking for organizations that regularly distribute information about employment opportunities to job applicants or have job applicants to refer.  If your organization would like to receive notification of job vacancies at Michigan Public, please contact Cindy Payne, Human Resources Administrator, at cmpayne[at]umich.edu or by calling the station’s main number, 734-764-9210.

Strategic Plan

In October, 2020 Michigan Public completed a new Strategic Plan that articulates a revised vision, mission and values statements for the station.  This plan is designed to ensure the station’s relevance in the rapidly changing media landscape, help diversify our audience and secure Michigan Public’s long term financial stability. You can learn more about the process and view the Strategic Plan here.  

Diversity Statement

As a unit of the University of Michigan, Michigan Public is strongly committed to a policy of non-discrimination. As part of its strategic plan, Michigan Public has updated its Statement on Diversity, which can be found here.

Staff Demographic Composition Annual Report and Turnover Report

Introducing our annual report on the demographic composition of our Michigan Public staff. The report is posted publicly on our website and tracked with prior period comparisons. This report can be found here.  You can also find our staff turnover report here.


Michigan Public holds itself to the highest standards of journalism in order to provide listeners with the most valuable, honest, and relevant news.  Truth, fairness, trust, and accountability are at the core of Michigan Public’s obligation to uphold journalistic integrity. The station adheres to its own Editorial Integrity document as well as the code of ethics designed by the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA). The RTDNA Code of Ethics outlines the most important tenets all professional electronic journalists should follow. Michigan Public has also adopted ethics codes and statements of the following: Public Media Code of Integrity, Society of Professional Journalists, and Public Radio News Directors Inc.

Last updated: February 2025