Want to read with Michigan Public staffers? Join our book club: Michigan Public Reads.
Throughout the year we'll be reading featured books with Michigan connections. Our goal is to share our love of books with you - and develop deeper connections with readers across Michigan.
Members will also be invited to a book club event for every book we read! We'll let you know when and where we'll be having discussions. There will also be virtual options - so if you can't make it, you can join us online.
Sign up below to learn which books we’re reading, get details about upcoming events, and how you can participate. You can also follow us on Goodreads or join the conversation on our Facebook group.
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by Stephen Mack Jones
"Detroit ex-cop August Snow puts his life on the line to protect a friend from modern-day Templars sworn to protect the name of the Catholic church at all costs. August grapples with his own ideas about his faith and his chosen family in this action-packed fourth installment in the Hammett Prize-winning series."
Author Angeline Boulley, author of the bestselling YA thriller Firekeeper's Daughter, is back with a new novel. Warrior Girl Unearthed features a young Ojibwe teen in the U.P. caught up in a complex web of murder and theft, politics, and culture.
Michigan Radio staff asked their kids what books they'd recommend, and they did not disappoint! With a new school year, your child may also be looking for a new read.
Michigan Radio’s book club, Michigan Radio Reads, has announced its next featured book: Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley, an enrolled member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians.
Steve Amick joins us to talk about the inspiration and the writing process behind his book You Shall See the Beautiful Things.
From autobiographies or writings about what journalism is; to books by journalists themselves, here are a few of the stories that have enlightened, informed, and enthralled our staff.
Juan Garcés, author of Love in Four Dots joins us to tell us the story of Sofía and Federico, lovers who wrote letters in a secret code within the pages of a novel to smuggle their messages back-and-forth while Federico was held in military prison.
These new releases might take you from Europe to Africa to the Middle East to Russia and the United States — without leaving your hammock.
Thank you to everyone who attended the discussion event in Flint and via Zoom! Here's a recap, plus what we're reading next.
Michigan Radio’s new Michigan Radio Reads book club will meet to discuss "Chevy in the Hole" by Flint-native Kelsey Ronan. The event will be held at Comma Bookstore in Flint on June 7, as well as online via Zoom.
Whether you’re looking for your next page-turning thriller or a collection of essays you won’t be able to stop thinking about, here are the books that have got Michigan Radio’s staffers excited.