The settlement will drastically reduce the circumstances under which 36th district court judges can set cash bail as a condition for release, and aims to make pre-trial detention for all but the most serious offenders "the rare exception rather than the rule."
Detroit’s 36th district court announced a pair of significant eviction-related orders this week.The court initially said that the U.S. Centers for Disease…
Monday was the first day in five months that Detroit’s 36th district court could start hearing eviction cases—though according to the court, hearings on…
In yet another unprecedented step, Detroit has put a moratorium on evictions during the coronavirus oubreak.36th District Court Chief Judge William…
Detroit’s 36th District Court finds itself in an unusual position: as the defendant in a new lawsuit.The ACLU has sued the court over its cash bail…
A new lawsuit aims to end cash bail and overhaul the pre-trial justice system at Detroit’s 36th district court.The ACLU filed the federal class action…
For most misdemeanor offenses in Michigan, the likely punishment is a fine, jail time, or both. But each Wednesday in Detroit’s 36th District Court, a…
The chief judge of Michigan’s Court of Appeals is retiring. Michael J. Talbot has served as a judge for four decades. He was appointed to the Court of…
It's called "pay or stay:" jailing people who can't afford to pay a fine.It's a controversial issue nationwide. Critics say pay or stay sentencing has…
After months of highly unusual legal maneuvers, two Detroit protesters still don’t know if a jury will ever decide their case.They were part of a group,…