She is the underdog in the eighth district congressional race, but Suzanna Shkreli is happy to be officially on the ballot. Shkreli will replace Melissa…
Assistant Macomb prosecutor Suzanna Shkreli seeks to replace Melissa Gilbert in 8th Dist. House raceThe Democratic challenger in Michigan's 8th Congressional District may not be Melissa Gilbert, of "Little House on the Prairie" fame, but instead a…
I assume there are probably some real issues facing the voters in Michigan’s 8th Congressional District, which is anchored by Lansing in the bottom middle…
Can Democrats flip three Michigan districts in the 2016 election?Nancy Kaffer tackled that question in her recent column for the Detroit Free Press.In her…
The actress best known for playing Laura Ingalls Wilder on “Little House on the Prairie” in the 1970s and early 80s moved to Michigan two years ago with…
Congressional candidates in mid-Michigan appeared together in a debate Tuesday night. The 8th District candidates were asked about the usual topics, and…
There’s still more than a month before the November general election, but many Michigan voters are already getting their hands on the ballot.Today, the…
Former state senate majority leader Mike Bishop easily defeated state representative Tom McMillin Tuesday, after a sometimes negative Republican primary…
Republican Congressman Mike Rogers’ decision to retire from his 8th congressional district seat is leaving a void that Michigan Democrats hope to fill.The…