The one bit that's worth addressing, though, is him referring to her as "the so-called Bishop." So-called? Not at all. She's certified, ordained, and legitimately educated and experienced. It may be unfamiliar to him, but it turns out that the Episcopal Church is very much a real thing. But I wouldn't expect he'd know that as a so-called Christian.
The Internet has provided the Cliff Clavins of the world with both a community (so they can breed their idiocy) and a megaphone (so we all can't help but to hear them). Worse, some of the richest ones control much of our media (traditional and social) and are taking autocratic steps to ensure we have to suffer their thoughts and opinions.
If you are an out-of-state visitor coming to Michigan to attend the Detroit Auto Show that starts this weekend, you may notice that the locals are a notch or two happier than you might expect.
At a certain point, too much flexing runs the risk of creating resentment and a deficit of goodwill, particularly among our allies. The United States is doing well, but it still needs a pack to run with. Being an alpha is good; being a lone wolf is dangerous.
Freelance political cartoonist John Auchter's art and commentary speaks to the issues impacting Michigan thoughtfully and creatively. Here are some of his most popular works from 2024.
This is the last cartoon of the year, and typically I try to ease off a bit, maybe go with something lighter and more universally appealing. What I came up with, however, is pretty inside politics. Ah, well... it's a political cartoon, right?
Being mayor of Detroit doesn't quite have the political cache that it once did. Now if Duggan had only been the one who got Detroit into bankruptcy instead of the getting them out of it, he might stand a better chance. Because, apparently, successfully bankrupting things is a great way to get yourself elected these days.
Back when I was born, if you were a white social conservative living in the South, you'd vote Democrat. And if you were a free-trade, no-tariff capitalist, you'd vote Republican. New opinions are constantly developing to meet a changing world and political parties evolve to meet them.
I guess I thought that in this country we could and would disagree on law and policy and economics. But there would always be general agreement on the type of person to avoid as a leader.
How did we get here? Well, we elected Trump, of course. And he told us he intended to follow a course of patronage and fealty in deciding nominees. So no surprise there. But it's also in part due to how easily those who oppose him and his policies allow themselves to lose focus.