The federal tax overhaul could affect Michigan's tax code. The federal personal exemption has been eliminated, but Michigan has state deductions tied to…
Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley has launched his long-anticipated bid for the Republican nomination for governor.The Republican launched his…
Was last year’s Trump-wave a one-time deal? This past Tuesday’s election results are a hint at what might be in store for Election 2018.Democrats pretty…
Lt. Gov. Brian Calley handed over the leadership of his part-time Legislature ballot drive to conservative grassroots activists Friday, as he prepared for…
We are now a year away from Election 2018. It’s the time when the concept of who a candidate might be is starting to create the reality of who that…
Facebook and a Grand Rapids tech company are partnering to train 3,000 Michiganders in coding and digital marketing over the next two years.Grand Circus…
Apparently, President Donald Trump and Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette agree: Spelling counts in their “winning” strategy.Schuette announced this…
After this week, we’re starting to get a clearer picture of what the 2018 governor’s race will look like in Michigan.In just a little more than a year,…
Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson released her response to a request from the Trump administration’s election commission for voter data on Monday.…
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has eight teams surveying damage in four mid-Michigan counties hard hit by flooding last month. The FEMA…