Lt. Governor Brian Calley is speaking at an event this afternoon at the Mackinac Policy Conference.Many observers believe today he'll announce a ballot…
The increasingly crowded field of candidates running for Michigan governor in 2018 may grow by one more later today.Then again, it may not.Lt. Gov. Brian…
A ballot campaign to make Michigan a part-time Legislature state could be on the horizon - an effort, perhaps, to make state government more efficient,…
Three years ago this week, officials switched Flint's water source to the Flint River, sparking the water crisis there. The river wasn't properly treated,…
Republican Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley looks to be tossing his hat into the race for governor.While he hasn't officially announced his candidacy,…
Rick Snyder cannot run for governor again because he’s term-limited.But that doesn’t mean Michigan’s CEO Governor isn’t working on a succession plan.…
The new president, Congress and state Legislature still haven’t been sworn in but Campaign 2018 is already underway.Former state Senator Gretchen Whitmer…
Lt. Gov. signs bill making it illegal to profit from sale of fetal tissue – which is already illegalLt. Gov. Brian Calley has signed a bill making it illegal to financially benefit by selling or distributing a fetus or any fetal tissue – a practice…
Early this year, Governor Rick Snyder sent shock waves through Michigan's mental health care community when his proposed 2017 budget included changes in…
One of the most frightening, haunting and horrible stories I heard this year had nothing to do with politics. In September, an eight-year-old autistic…