Defense is a $9 billion industry in Michigan that employs more than 100,000 people.State officials want to grow the defense industry, and now they have a…
There are three weeks to go until Election Day and Republicans are in despair, while Democrats are paranoid because no one is quite sure what the Donald…
Most rallies these days are focused on the 2016 presidential election. But a different kind of crowd showed up Wednesday on the State Capitol lawn.…
Today marks one year since health officials in Genesee County warned people living in Flint to stop drinking their tap water.The water is improving, but…
Lt. Governor Brian Calley is returning from a seven-day trade mission to the U.K. and Ireland.It's the Snyder administration's first-ever trade mission to…
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Michigan Lt. Gov. Brian Calley is leading a trade mission to the United Kingdom and Ireland. Calley leaves Saturday and will return…
Michigan legislators are turning their attention from away lawmaking to campaigning.State lawmakers have a couple days on their calendar next month, but…
Governor Rick Snyder has put forth a proposal to privatize all or part of Michigan's mental health system. The governor has suggested $2.4 billion be…
Michigan delegates to the Republican National Convention are focused on picking a presidential nominee. But some of them are also thinking about the…
Michigan’s Republican delegates get down to work Monday, after spending the weekend partying in Cleveland.Cleveland has been rocking all weekend with…