The plaintiffs allege the U.S. EPA failed to adequately intervene to control harmful algal blooms stemming from manure runoff flowing into Lake Erie.
SB 275 would set a state standard for the amount of carbon permitted in a unit of transportation fuel — and allow companies that exceed the standard to generate and sell credits to companies that don't meet the standard. The Sierra Club of Michigan says it does not support the bill as written because it could inadvertently increase emissions and accelerate environmental damage from ethanol production.
Environmentalists are siding with EGLE in a court case concerning CAFOs and permits for handling animal waste.
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has filed suit against a dairy farming operation she says has repeatedly “thumbed its nose” at environmental…
Farms housing thousands of animals are one of several sources contaminating the Pine River and dividing a mid-Michigan community.Murray Borrello, wearing…
Environmental groups are supporting a permit that further restricts spreading animal manure on farm fields.Livestock farmers and the Michigan Farm Bureau…
Farm groups are using a two-pronged approach to stop the state from changing the rules for spreading manure. The Michigan Farm Bureau, large livestock…
I want to warn you that today, I’m going to be talking about poop. Specifically, more than 3.3 billion gallons of it a year, all of it produced in…
Large animal farms will no longer be allowed to give or sell excess manure to smaller farms between the months of January and March.Brad Wurfel is with…
Environmental and organic farming groups want a change in the way federal agriculture subsidies are handed out.Anne Woiwode is the Sierra Club’s state…