The Michigan Immigrant Rights Center represents roughly 800 immigrant children currently in the system. The work is paid for with federal funding through the Legal Services for Unaccompanied Children program.
Today, Michigan has been working on removing dams the last couple of years. However because of EPA rules, dam removal proves to be a difficult feat. Then, golf course owners petition to have a country road closed in northern Michigan, and what the community has to say about the petition. Additionally, a non-profit organization aims to build confidence and resourcefulness in school-aged children in Detroit through horsemanship. Lastly, a science reporter talks about her recent experience and book featuring Hell, Michigan and other worldly destinations.
Michigan ranked in the bottom half of the country in terms of childhood well-being and education, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation's 2024 Kids Count Data Book.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s new Race for Results report measured well-being based on data on education, health, early childhood and other metrics.
The 2023 Kids Count report shows positive and negative trends among Michigan's children.
In "Nasty, Brutish, and Short: Adventures in Philosophy with My Kids,” philosophy and law professor Scott Hershovitz documents discussions with his own little philosophers, and offers ways to draw the thinkers out of yours.
After years of declining birth rates, we've heard a lot about why people aren't having kids. But this study asks a more basic question: how many people are actively choosing not to have children, versus just delaying it or being unable to have them?
School's out for summer, though that change may seem less significant when your kids have already been home from school for months. With many camps and…
New data from the Michigan League for Public Policy finds fewer Michigan children live in poverty today than a decade ago. However, there’s been a sharp…
Children in Flint faced a myriad of problems well before the city’s water crisis raised new fears of potential negative health effects from lead tainted…