Earth Day events throughout Michigan this weekend hope to bring people outside to enjoy the fresh air, while also promoting eco-friendly lifestyles and…
In this all-too-fast-paced era we live in, it's comforting to see something that's managed to stick around for 225 years – the Old Farmer’s Almanac.What…
Every day, you and I burn up all kinds of things.We burn gasoline to get to work, mow the lawn, or fly to a conference. We burn natural gas, coal, or…
You may remember from your school days that one of the ways geologists measure time is by epochs, which can be seen in changes in rock layers. These…
Our climate is already changing in the Great Lakes region. And people who manage our cities are finding ways to adapt.“We’re seeing changes in our…
The temperatures certainly are extreme. Last night, it was colder in Michigan than it was at the South Pole.Parts of the state saw temperatures reach 16…
The stat comes from Jeff Reutter, Director of Ohio State University's Stone Laboratory. He says the converse is true for Lake Superior. It holds 50% of…
This past summer brought us challenging days in terms of heavy rain, thunderstorms, and sewers unable to handle the fast and furious downpours.And that is…
The number of motorcyclists who died in traffic accidents in Michigan last year rose 18-percent.About a year ago Michigan became the thirty-first state to…
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center reported today that the summer of 2012 "was the third hottest summer…