Charter school groups and state lawmakers are complaining about how the Michigan Department of Education plans to count students enrolling in cyber…
The number of Michigan kids who attend virtual schools has exploded in the past eight years. But a new study suggests those students aren’t keeping pace…
Gov. Rick Snyder’s proposed state budget includes a 20% cut to per pupil spending for virtual charter schools, but lawmakers in both the state House and…
This is an unusually slow year for new charter schools, according to the state charter association, which says the seven charters opening this fall are…
A tiny public school district in northwest Michigan has found an unusual way to raise big money.Manistee Area Public Schools has had its share of budget…
More than 2,800 students log online to attend Michigan Virtual Charter Academy. The state’s largest virtual school is also one of its worst performing…
Most of us can remember an influential teacher, or a significant moment we had with a former teacher.Whether they were words of advice or words that put…
Officials at a southwest Michigan school district are asking the state’s superintendent to return close to half a million dollars. The state deducted the…
The State House recently passed legislation that would allow an increase in the number of Michigan cyber schools.Cyber schools provide instruction via the…