State lawmakers are considering a resolution to end some restrictions on deer hunting.The restrictions are in place in parts of the state known to have…
Deer season started for bow hunters on October 1. The Department of Natural Resources will be testing harvested deer for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).…
Hunting season is underway. And lawmakers are trying to quickly move a bill that would allow deer or elk baiting.Right now, a state rule bans baiting and…
To help combat chronic wasting disease, Michigan is banning deer baiting and feeding across big parts of the state. It’s highly unpopular with some…
Starting today, more than 600,000 Michigan hunters are expected to take to the woods for the state’s annual firearm deer season.These are not the best of…
For many Michigan hunters (there were more than 600,000 last year), mornings start pretty early.
Think about this: providing enough meat to make more than half a million meals for people in need. That's over 100,000 pounds of meat, and much of it is…
November 15th is the start of firearm hunting season in Michigan, which runs until the 30th. That got us wondering about the best ways to cook and serve…
One deer in Genesee County has tested positive for epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD), according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.The…
If you're a hunter who shoots deer or related animals in other states, be advised that there are new rules about bringing their parts into Michigan.The…