All through this deer hunting season, Michigan hunters are bringing their deer to check stations to be tested for a disease called chronic wasting disease…
It's October, and deer are in the mood for love. That means Michigan drivers are at greater risk of hitting a deer. October through December is mating…
One deer in Genesee County has tested positive for epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD), according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.The…
State officials want hunters to shoot more deer in northeastern lower Michigan.Infected deer in the area spread a disease called bovine tuberculosis. It…
Two more deer have tested positive for Chronic Wasting Disease in Michigan.The two female deer are from a farm in Mecosta County, north of Grand Rapids.…
Last month, we heard how an abundance of deer is reshaping the forests in northern Michigan. Deer are eliminating trees like maple, oak and cedar in many…
With the start of firearm season next Tuesday, hunters will spread out across Michigan in search of white-tailed deer. Long, cold winters in the recent…
Ever had a fast-food venison sandwich before? If not, you might have a chance at Arby's.Arby's recently announced its "Fast Crafted sandwich" brand will…
Archery season for deer started over the weekend, and that means state officials are gearing up to test more deer for chronic wasting disease. The disease…
State officials confirm a Berrien County deer has died from a disease that killed more than 12,000 Michigan deer in 2012.Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease, or…