Resident physicians at Detroit Medical Center picketed outside Detroit Receiving Hospital Thursday, saying the health system is ignoring their union's demand to start contract talks.
The Leapfrog Group's recent safety report gives Detroit Receiving Hospital and Sinai-Grace Hospital at DMC "F" grades, citing serious patient safety concerns.
Two former housecleaning staff say they were fired for calling out chronic problems with sanitation at Hutzel and Harper hospitals, and that they were denied adequate cleaning supplies due to profit-driven cuts.
A Detroit nurse says he was fired for speaking out about COVID-19 related problems in his hospital, adding to the list of several Michigan health care…
The leader of Wayne State University’s medical school says the Detroit Medical Center is committing an “egregious act” by no longer allowing the…
Nurses working the night shift at a Detroit hospital staged a sit-in late Sunday to protest what they say are dangerously low staffing levels in the…
After facing the loss of its Medicare funding, officials from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs say Sinai-Grace Hospital has…
The Detroit Medical Center’s Harper University Hospital passed an important inspection this month.Harper Hospital could’ve lost Medicare payments after a…
Today on Stateside, three cardiologists are suing the Detroit Medical Center, citing alleged fraud and concerns over quality of care. We get the latest…
Doctor Ted Schreiber is the third cardiologist in a week to file a civil lawsuit against the Detroit Medical Center and its parent company, Tenet Health…