This week is National School Choice Week. But is school choice in Michigan cause for celebration?Gary Miron is a professor of evaluation, measurement and…
What's happening with the state's poorest performing schools?The upcoming holiday break kind of marks the half-way point in the school year.That's…
Michigan lawmakers this week may discuss changes to a law that prevents school districts from having a say on what happens to former school buildings.A…
State lawmakers grilled Detroit’s school superintendent for not moving faster to implement new policies to grading school performance and merit pay for…
Thursday morning, the state House Education Reform Committee takes up a bill that would channel tax money raised by county school districts to charter…
Nikolai Vitt, the new superintendent of Detroit's public school system, says he expects the district to be fully staffed with teachers at the beginning of…
There’s remarkably broad agreement across the political spectrum about something: There is a deep crisis in education in Michigan - and nationally --at…
A new audit this week says Michigan needs more inspectors and more money when it comes to asbestos remediation. According to the report, there are only…
Does the state have to ensure that all Michigan students get at least a “basic education?”That’s the question at the heart of a lawsuit filed on behalf of…
Michigan's experiment in running a school district ends this week.The Education Achievement Authority (EAA) will cease to exist as of Friday. Its 15…