Flint residents will continue to drink water from Detroit well into next year.While Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump was making the rounds in…
Two recent cases of Hepatitis A in Detroit are sparking a larger public health response.That’s because the people who tested positive for the virus had…
The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department is about to process an “unprecedented” number of claims, although it’s uncertain what claimants can expect to…
The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department says 22,000 owners of surface parking lots and other parcels covered in impervious materials like concrete need…
One week after Detroit resumed water shut offs to residential customers behind on their bills, more than 1,800 households saw their service turned off.…
Detroit water customers behind on their bills have one more day to set things straight — or possibly face having their service cut off.The Detroit Water…
Detroit will start shutting off water to residential customers behind on their bills next week.23,000 households that have defaulted on payment plans…
One of the most critical points in discovering the full extent of Flint’s water crisis was a study of blood-lead levels in Flint children.That study, by…
The US Environmental Protection Agency says it will conduct an inspection of Detroit’s wastewater treatment plant.In a statement issued Wednesday, the EPA…
The Great Lakes Water Authority is now more or less a done deal.The final big hurdle was to get current Detroit Water and Sewerage Department bondholders…